Thursday 3 March 2011

And away we go...

First post. Wow. So much pressure!

So, at the moment, I'm staring out my window at my two cats, Izzie and Maud, who themselves are both staring intently at one spot. I think they've found a mouse. Or possibly a leaf. They are very easily pleased, my cats.

I work hard, my husband works hard, and sometimes - you'll all understand this - life just seems a little too difficult, a little too dismal, a little too dreary. Dull, dull, dull.

So why not focus on the things in life that give me pleasure, rather than worrying about things over which I have no control? Watching my cats playing in the garden, stroking their soft fur, listening to them purr.

Strong hot tea in an egg-yolk coloured mug; sunlight on a crisp, cold morning.

Sinking into a bath full of bubbles after a workout at the gym, accompanied by a good book and a glass of red wine.

The pleasures of casting on, of neat and even rows of stitches, of the little final details that make a jumper, a pair of socks, a hat your own.

This is going to be a crafting blog that may contain food. And books. And maybe films and podcasts. And very probably my cats. Just the stuff that makes me feel good, those simple pleasures that make life worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogging world! Great first post :D
